Safety & Environment
Perdaman strives to ensure responsible health, safety and environment practices for all employees and the community. This also relates to effective management of potential emissions, noise and other environmental criteria.
Safety and Health
Perdaman believes that all major incidents, workplace injuries and work related illnesses are preventable and is committed to the “first, do no harm” principle. We also believe world class health and safety performance is key to the success of our business.
Perdaman intends to achieve this by:
- Making safety and health a priority in all our activities and to stop or postpone any work where effective risk management controls are not in place
- Actively assess any potential accident and health risks and manage them pro-actively
- Engage contractors and suppliers who share our values and who will work with us to consistently meet our health and safety expectations
- Complying with all relevant laws, regulations and standards
- Learning from our performance to improve our processes, work practices and behaviours and sharing our lessons learned with others
- Setting internal targets which encourage improving our safety and health performance
- Reporting our safety and health performance openly and transparently
- Working with partners, suppliers and regulators to raise the standards of safety and health in our industry
- Creating and sustaining a culture that empowers and rewards our workforce to act in accordance with this policy.

Environmental Responsibility
Perdaman believes good environmental performance is essential to business success both locally and worldwide. We seek to minimise and manage our environmental impact whilst delivering shareholder and community value. Compliance with our legal obligations is the minimum standard.
Perdaman achieves these objectives by:
- Complying with all relevant laws and regulations and applying responsible standards where laws do not exist
- Minimising pollution and the cumulative environmental impact of our activities at a local and regional level
- Reducing waste and improving efficiency in our design and operating practices
- Supporting research to improve our understanding of the environment
- Monitoring and reporting our environmental performance openly and transparently
- Learning from our performance and sharing our lessons learnt
- Striving to meet community expectations by listening to and addressing concerns
- Encouraging every employee/contractor to respect the environment.